Chrome V8将实现ES6的类语法(class)

发布者 newghost  发布时间 1408348027861
关键字 技术前沿  JavaScript 
注* JavaScript中终于可以用class来声明一个类了,不过这个功能目前应该不会很快进入正式发布的浏览器中,而会像其他ES6语法那样通过harmony标签来启用。

- class 声明语法
- 加强对象语法(object)
- 添加'super'关键字和Function.prototype.toMethod方法

这些功能将通过 --harmony-classes 标签来启用

注* 其他--harmony-标签参见: 在Node.JS使用ES6

负责人: Adam Klein (, Erik Arvidsson (, Dmitry Lomov (

# TC39 接受的功能

Class(在“最大 - 最小”中妥协产生),已经加入ES6中一年多了。最终的ES6规格书也已经完成了很久。 


但是实现类(class)是V8中的最重要的一项工作,并对Javascript社区至关重要。对该TC39接受的功能的反馈越早越好,这一点是关重要。这样才能减轻规格变化的影响,两位负责人(Erik & Dmitry)直接参与了TC39“实例化改革”的建议。因此,我们认为现在是实施ES6 Class的合适时机。

# 其他供应商的利益 


# 技术方面 


Adam, Erik, Dmitry


Implement ES6 classes including:

- class declaration syntax

- enchancements to objects literal syntax

- ‘super’ keyword and Function.prototype.toMethod

The implementation will proceed in V8 under --harmony-classes flag.

Owners: Adam Klein (, Erik Arvidsson (, Dmitry Lomov (

# TC39 acceptance

Classes (in the form of compromise “maximally-minimal” classes) has been a part of ES6 for more than a year now. The complete spec has been in ES6 specification draft for quite a while.

At a July 2014 TC39 meeting some significant changes to instantiation semantics for classes were proposed, so the specification may still change in certain aspects.

However implementation of classes is a significant effort for V8, and critically important for Javascript community. It is critical that TC39 receives deep implementation feedback on the feature earlier than later. To mitigate spec changes impact, two of the owners (Erik & Dmitry) are directly involved with ‘instantiation reform’ proposal on TC39. Therefore we believe now is the right time to proceed with ES6 classes’ implementation.

# Interest from other vendors

None of browser vendors currently ship ES6 classes, even though both Firefox and IE stated the intent of doing so.

# Technical considerations

Design document:

Adam, Erik, Dmitry

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  • #1 empty_flower 1408348925005

    这些被GO抛弃的东西怎么又跑到JS上来了,就是不知道对性能没有影响。 不过Java程序员用起来应该很顺手。

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