1. 其汉字识别能力强于 abbyy
2 可以识别印章等特殊布局的文字
3. 手写体识别远强于其它 ocr 供应商
4. 表格识别能力一般,与camlot类似,银行流水等一些无框表识别能力弱于部分 ocr 供应商如 pdfflux
5. Paddle 有个导出 word 的版面恢复功能,但效果一般,很多区域都会被嵌入图片
ABBYY有个很好用的功能是将图片pdf转成文字版。但 paddle 一般直接生成 json。
比如一条 paddle ocr 转化结果
json_data = {
"type": "figure",
"bbox": [286, 360, 978, 727],
"res": [
{"text": "客户名称", "text_region": [[573.0, 402.0], [717.0, 402.0], [717.0, 441.0], [573.0, 441.0]]},
"img_idx": 0
其中的文字区域坐标为: [[573.0, 402.0], [717.0, 402.0], [717.0, 441.0], [573.0, 441.0]]
可以通过 reportlab 或 node.js 库将json中的文字附加到图片上并生成pdf。
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.colors import Color
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from PIL import Image
font_path = './fonts/SIMHEI.TTF'
font_name = 'SimHei'
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont(font_name, font_path))
def generate_pdf(json_data, image_path, output_path):
from PIL import Image
img =
width, height = img.size
print(width, height)
pdf_canvas = canvas.Canvas(output_path, pagesize=img.size)
# Add image to PDF
pdf_canvas.drawImage(image_path, 0, 0, width=width, height=height)
# bbox = json_data['bbox']
# box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height = bbox
# Add text to PDF
for item in json_data['res']:
text = item['text']
region = item['text_region']
x_coords = region[0][0]
y_coords = region[0][1]
line_height = region[2][1] - y_coords
y_coords = height - y_coords - line_height
print(x_coords, y_coords, line_height, text)
pdf_canvas.setFont("SimHei", int(line_height))
pdf_canvas.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0, 0)
pdf_canvas.drawString(x_coords, y_coords, text)
image_path = "./output/output_0.jpg" # Path to your image
output_path = "output.pdf"
generate_pdf(json_data, image_path, output_path)
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